I was tagged by Laurie of Chinaera contemplations. Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random (or arbitrary) things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
1. My only problem is that I don't have 6 people to tag. I was thinking about this at 2 this morning. One person deleted their blog, another blog is dormant, and yet another reader does not have their own blog. Other people have only left one commnet on my blog, so does that give me tagging rights? And if I tag Laurie back, will it start a chain reaction that causes the destruction of the Earth? So here is random item #1 about me: I tend to obsess about stuff.
2. I went to a basketball game at Moo U. with my husband last Friday night because someone had given us free tickets. The guy sitting behind us was loudly doing a play-by-play commentary to no one in particular. He was even shouting at the opposing team during their warm-up. At least I try not to disturb others when I'm being obsessive.
3. The high point of my day yesterday was that I found Count Chocula cereal at Meijer and it was even on sale. Sometimes it's the little things in life that make all the difference.
4. I was watching TV the other night and decided maybe I should wear my hair in dredlocks. Or is it "dreadlocks"? I dunno. The person on TV looked great. Then I realized I probably have the wrong genetic background to make that look work for me.
5. November is my least favorite month of the year. Warm-weather activities are over, and there isn't any snow yet for cross-country skiing. Plus, I'm already tired of Christmas songs and decorations in the stores, and we're not even past Thanksgiving yet.
6. I'll try to be better about posting to this blog. I"ll put that on the to-do list along with: organizing my house, garage, and office; losing weight and getting in tip-top shape; reading more so that I become a fascinating conversationalist; finishing all of those incomplete projects at work and home.....
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random (or arbitrary) things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
1. My only problem is that I don't have 6 people to tag. I was thinking about this at 2 this morning. One person deleted their blog, another blog is dormant, and yet another reader does not have their own blog. Other people have only left one commnet on my blog, so does that give me tagging rights? And if I tag Laurie back, will it start a chain reaction that causes the destruction of the Earth? So here is random item #1 about me: I tend to obsess about stuff.
2. I went to a basketball game at Moo U. with my husband last Friday night because someone had given us free tickets. The guy sitting behind us was loudly doing a play-by-play commentary to no one in particular. He was even shouting at the opposing team during their warm-up. At least I try not to disturb others when I'm being obsessive.
3. The high point of my day yesterday was that I found Count Chocula cereal at Meijer and it was even on sale. Sometimes it's the little things in life that make all the difference.
4. I was watching TV the other night and decided maybe I should wear my hair in dredlocks. Or is it "dreadlocks"? I dunno. The person on TV looked great. Then I realized I probably have the wrong genetic background to make that look work for me.
5. November is my least favorite month of the year. Warm-weather activities are over, and there isn't any snow yet for cross-country skiing. Plus, I'm already tired of Christmas songs and decorations in the stores, and we're not even past Thanksgiving yet.
6. I'll try to be better about posting to this blog. I"ll put that on the to-do list along with: organizing my house, garage, and office; losing weight and getting in tip-top shape; reading more so that I become a fascinating conversationalist; finishing all of those incomplete projects at work and home.....
Ooooh. You and I can DESTROY THE EARTH! Mwahahahahahaha.
I've never had Count Chocula. Have I missed out? Bill says that Frankenberry is better.
By Laurie, at 10:13 PM
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