A Blog about Everything

Monday, November 06, 2006

Roller Blade adventure

There are certain sports activities that I only participate in once a year and then wonder why I don't improve. Tennis. Golf. Snowboarding. And what I did yesterday: Roller blading, aka in-line skating. The reasons for only annual participation in tennis, golf, and skating are that my free time is limited and I use most of it in the warm weather months riding my bike. The snowboarding is limited by lack of snow and hills in central Indiana.

But back to the skating. The fitness advice columns say to participate in a variety of activities to ward off exercise boredom. Sounds like a good idea to me and besides, it's a little too cold and windy to bicycle but still too nice out to hide out in the gym.

So I dug out my skates and headed out to a multi-use trail nearby Let's just say my skill level had not improved any since the last time I skated over a year ago. Let's just say my butt is sore today. Let's just say I probably provided entertainment to the runners, walkers, and cyclists who were on the trail yesterday.


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