A Blog about Everything

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Having a clear-out

So I was in a bad mood anyway, having been to the BMV and lacking a vital piece of documentation that they demanded. I returned home and started ripping through the file cabinets and the more I searched, the more determined I became. When the file cabinet failed to yield what I needed, I kicked it up a notch and started dumping out boxes of stuff. Now I am what some might call a pack-rat. Throwing stuff away causes anxiety (what if I need it later!?!). But I decided that I could probably pitch out old class notes from undergrad. I won't tell you how long I've had my notes for Intro to Astronomy, but the hand-outs were done on a mimeograph. There were un-used napkins from our wedding reception, 26.5 yrs ago. The contents of one box had not seen the light of day since 1991, the date on the newspapers used to wrap them up. The box had been through a total of 4 moves without being opened. I kept on dumping out boxes, sorting into piles and stacks of junk.

After about 5 hours of this, I called it a day. The back room looks like a tornado hit. And I never did find what I needed.


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