My friend Laurie wrote about and posted a photo of Scottish Highland cows called Helian Coos. Now I'm not a bovine expert, but these cows are different enough from everyday Midwest cows that even I would notice. Even the name of the breed is unusual. I have a Gaelic vocabulary of only about 15 words, so I dug out my Scots Gaelic book and looked up Helian Coos. No luck. The word for cow is "bo"...sort of like "bovine".
Here's a picture of an American cow. I don't know what kind, but I'm sure its ancestors were immigrants. Just like almost all Americans.
Labels: cows, Gaelic language
That looks like a Black Angus, which is, interestingly, also of Scottish descent. They are called Aberdeen Angus there. You may remember I had a photo of a dead one of the red variety (Old Red) on my thesis poster. Don't you think it's odd that I know so much about cow breeds? I do. Just don't get me started on sheep, or goats. Or chickens.
I think that the Scots spell Heilan Coos the way they pronounce it.
By Laurie, at 10:27 PM
OK now I get it...I had to say the name out loud. Maybe I shouldn't scoff and mock the people mentioned in your post about the truly dense!
I don't remember Dead Old Red....was that pic from the place with all the beagles?
By Kia, at 11:24 AM
Yep. Dead cow aka beagle site. Remember that Charlie found a beagle skull while we were mussel hunting downstream? I've still got it.
Dead cow site -- Better than the shotgun site and the handgun site.
By Laurie, at 1:57 AM
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